The Concept of Earth Science using a concept Map

Posted: May 7, 2012 in Uncategorized
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The study of Earth Science showing the branches of Geology and Geography.

A simple example of how a concept map can be put to use.

Visual learning strategies is a useful tool to help students to retain what they  learned from different sources. Various visual learning strategies such as graphic organizers, diagrams and more are used to help students to understand information better and retain more of what they learned. Once these strategies are properly incorporated into the lesson they can help students to better manage their learnig objectives and achieve academic success. The brain has the ability to easily comprehend images, for most persons, so the visual learning strategies works well with the brain’s natural ability to retain and incorporate new knowledge with what they already learned to improve their writing skills and critical thinking. According to theorists such as Bowman et al, 1998; Berkowitz, 1986; Troyer   1994 and others, graphic organizers help students to improve students’ reading comprehension at all levels, in content areas such as science and social studies (Alvermann & Boothby, 1986); and students with learning disabilities, according to Gardill and Jitandra 1999. Theorists also believe that aside from critical thinking and developing writing skills, graphic organizers also help students to solve mathematical problems. Graphic organizers have also been seen as effective outlining tools for students Some of the skills that are developed due to graphic organizers are: brainstorming ideas, developing organizing and and communicating ideas. Students also develop vocabulary  highligh important ideas and facilitate recall and retention. In general graphi organizers are effective visual learning strategies that are used in the classroom.

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