Posts Tagged ‘education’

This course has taught me a lot about how to use technology to effectively deliver a lesson.  I’ve learnt how to create simulations and interactive lessons; I’ve learnt the benefits of teaching a lesson with a video and incorporating games into my lesson. I learnt how to use a smart board and to prepare lessons that the students can use on a smart board to make them more involved in the lesson. I gained a better understanding of image files and how to create new images in various file formats. I especially enjoyed using softchalk and doing the concept map.  After doing this course I have gained more confidence in my abilities of using technological resources. I always considered myself to be tech-savvy but this course has helped me to understand that there are so much more out there to learn about using technology. I enjoyed the links to the various educational sites.  I believe that as a teacher I can use technology to inspire student and creativity. I can teach students how to use technology and that applied with critical thinking, I believe can inspire students to do more and be creative. I learned that technology can be very useful in improving education. One of my highlights of this course is the creation and development of my blogsite. I see myself developing as a teacher with technology to give myself professional growth and help me to be an effective leader.